So, I'm like 95% sure I have undiagnosed ADHD...

I can't even remember how long ago I started picking up random crafts or artistic endeavors. I generally stick with them for a project or three, then abandon the project. The ADHD crafts really sky rocketed during COVID when everything was on lockdown. Over the last few years, I have tried knitting, crocheting, embroidery, watercolors, beading, chain jewelry..

..If things don't scream ADHD like the fact I made this website/portfolio 8 weeks ago.. and now haven't really touched it.. I started this post maybe a month ago, and I'm just now getting back to it..

So this is my first blog post to say HI! Welcome. Welcome to the behind the scenes, chaos of it all. I will be posting here occasionally, it's really my chance to word vomit a little more and expand on what I would say/do say on Instagram. All of my inner word vomit thoughts. Please expect poor English and rambly sentences haha.

While I brainstorm concepts of creative shoots, the timing of when I actually make a photoshoot happen ends up being rather spontaneous. The process is exactly as it should be, and I often get swept up into it and I forget to document my process, but I want to start trying to. It often involves me sitting on the floor, dumping glitter or paint or some other messy shit on my face and setting up a haphazard tripod. I also haven't been hiking nearly as much as I want to, therefore fewer landscape pics as well. But I want to get back to making my photography a priority.

I just moved into a new space, which means a new creative space. My new space also has big windows and white walls = photography set up. I've been moving this past weekend and even set up a photoshoot in between unpacking boxes. I will be going over past creative shoots to word vomit about the concepts behind them! So follow along, or don't (: This will become my creative diary journal thing and I'm excited to share!