Wedding Days!

I have been seriously neglecting the blog and the website. I will try to be more consistent. My goal was 1 post a week...which clearly did not happen..So now I’m playing catch up. 

Big big news, I shot my first official wedding as the secondary photographer!! Biggest shoutout to my friend Sabrina, who is an incredible photographer who has taught me so much. 1000% check out her website and photos at We flew out to Colorado from Washington just for the weekend to shoot this beautiful fall wedding.


  1. Weddings are exhausting 
  2. I think I want to elope haha, then maybe have a party after. No hate, I've been to a ton of weddings. I used to cater weddings and I'd work a ton of weddings setting up and cleaning up over the years working in Colorado. It just is so overwhelming and exhausting.
  3. Every single wedding photographer that shoots a wedding solo is incredible and I don’t know how the heck y’all do it. Minimum a 2 person job for sure
  4. Fall weddings are underrated and absolutely beautiful
  5. Mountain wedding >>>
  6. Overall though, weddings are beautiful and such a joyful day. I loved seeing the families come together and celebrate the love.

As I lean more into portrait photography, I am learning that my style is much more the “documentary style” where people pretend I don’t exist and I prefer to catch the little behind the scenes moments. The perfectly imperfect blurry moments in between the big events. 

I will be adding my wedding page to the site soon, but here’s a few of my favorite shots from the day.